Pricing & Packages


2-hour session with you, your family, or a small group of friends.

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Capture your occasion and share it later with a personalized gallery.

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Capture and edit videos of your event to share and cherish forever.

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How many photo do I get?

You will receive all photos taken and may download all of them at no additional cost.

What is your turnaround time?

Photo projects are usually ready within 1-2 weeks. Video projects are usually ready in 2-3 weeks.

Most projects are completed ahead of schedule.

Can I invite a friend with me?

Yes! You are more than welcome to bring a friend to help you shine and be comfortable.

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Your session may be extended on the day of the shoot. Please note you will be billed an overtime rate for each additional hour you add on.

Do I have to order prints through you?

Ordering prints is optional. However, if you choose to order prints outside our website, we cannot guarantee and are not responsible for work of lower quality.

What kind of gear do you use?

I shoot with a Canon 6D Mk II for photos and Sony A7 III for videos. I use L Canon glass for all work.

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